【パトカー】坂道を緊急走行テストするよ!polis🚓We’re going to do an emergency driving test on the slope!

【パトカー】坂道を緊急走行テストするよ!polis🚓We’re going to do an emergency driving test on the slope!
タイトル【パトカー】坂道を緊急走行テストするよ!polis🚓We’re going to do an emergency driving test on the slope!
公開日2022-11-15 16:19:29


Gather a lot of police cars and drive uphill while checking the sound and shape!Pay attention to the face of the white-bike brother🥸

Thu thập nhiều xe cảnh sát, vừa kiểm tra âm thanh, hình dáng, vừa lái xe lên dốc!Chú ý gương mặt anh trai Bạch Bạch Bạch

Mengumpulkan banyak mobil polisi dan berjalan di lereng sambil memeriksa suara dan bentuknya!Perhatikan wajah kakak sepeda motor putih 🥸 

#Mobil polisi #police #パトカー
