Pirna German Red Cross ambulance 83/3 & doctor car responding with martin air horns [GER | 11.2021]

Pirna German Red Cross ambulance 83/3 & doctor car responding with martin air horns [GER | 11.2021]
タイトルPirna German Red Cross ambulance 83/3 & doctor car responding with martin air horns [GER | 11.2021]
公開日2022-01-29 20:15:02

Pirna German Red Cross ambulance 83/3 and their emergency doctor car emergency transporting a patient to the Pirna hospital. This is definitely one of my favorite videos from Pirna! I love that Whelen Liberty lightbar on 83/3, the martin horn usage as well as how both vehicles crossed that intersection which looks fantastic on video!

Also notice the difference in brightness between the Whelen Liberty bar and the Hansch copycat lightbar on the doctor car (Hansch badly copied the LED lightheads of the Whelen Legacy).
What’s even more amazing is the fact that the LED technology of the Whelen Liberty is from around 2004, while the copycat 5000 is from 2016.

Pirna, Sachsen (Saxony), Germany, November 2021.
