救急車のミニカー走る!緊急走行!サイレン音あり|Ambulance minicar runs in an emergency with sirens sounding

救急車のミニカー走る!緊急走行!サイレン音あり|Ambulance minicar runs in an emergency with sirens sounding
タイトル救急車のミニカー走る!緊急走行!サイレン音あり|Ambulance minicar runs in an emergency with sirens sounding
公開日2024-03-07 18:15:00

#ミニカー #おもちゃ #救急車 #消防車 #パトカー #救急車 サイレン#minicars #toys #ambulance. #firetruck. #policecar #ambulancesiren.
Hello, I am a new member of the TOMICA family and I am looking for a new job. I love miniature cars, ambulances, police cars, Tomica, and boxed toys! That is why I created this channel. I invite you to my interesting channel about police cars, mini cars, Tomica, city cars, emergency vehicles, etc. On my channel you will find only gentle and friendly videos. Cars in boxes, cars going down ramps, driving tests…
